Crea contenuti video e ottieni il Premium a vita su Waveful

Crea contenuti video e ottieni il Premium a vita su Waveful

How does that work? Create and publish video content to get Lifetime Premium on Waveful.

Waveful offers you the chance to get Lifetime Premium and receive rewards based on your achievements. How to do it? Very simple, in this article we explain how to get it and some simple tricks that will help you create engaging and fun multimedia content.

What is Waveful Premium?


Before explaining how to get the Lifetime Premium on Waveful we want to explain what Premium is and what advantages it offers you on our application. Premium on Waveful is an extra package that offers our users:

  • Advertisements removed, you will not find any advertising in scrolling through the contents;
  • Extra colors of your profile to customize it to your liking and meet your preferences;
  • Increased maximum quality with the ability to upload images in 4K;
  • Special VIP badge to show on your profile;
  • The ability to publish in the famous Island Premium;


These are the advantages offered by the Waveful Premium, not bad eh? But, how to get them for free?


Lifetime Premium on Waveful: How to Get It


Waveful offers you the opportunity to receive the Lifetime Premium on our application simply by creating video content on the main Social Networks in circulation including:

  • TikTok
  • Instagram (reel)
  • Youtube (Short/Video)


You can choose one of the Social Networks listed above and publish one or more videos in which you talk about Waveful and its features, why it should download it and what can be found in it. For each video published we give you a month of free Premium, if the video you published reaches 5K views we also give you 10 Superlikes, if instead the video reaches 100K views we give you the Premium for life.  Yes, you got it right.

Do you want to publish your video on all the Social Networks listed above? Very well, you can publish the video as many times as you want and on the platform of your choice. Once you have created and published the video, all you have to do is open Waveful and send the link to @WavefulSupport, our official support account from the app. It will be the responsibility of @WavefulSupport, within 48 hours of sending your message, to check its content and assign you the Premium.


Waveful video: some useful tips


Waveful wants to give you some simple but useful tips to create fun and engaging content to receive as many interactions as possible and reach the highest number of views, in order to win the best prizes made available by Waveful. The tips below will also help you create your own future content that you will publish on Waveful and other online platforms. We would like to clarify that these tips do not want to be rules to follow but simple guidelines to use for the creation of your videos:

  • Attractive video structure especially in the first 3 seconds, it will be a hook for the user who looks to stay glued to the screen and not scroll the video;
  • A hook that refers to the end of the video, to be able to hold the user until the end of the video and not lose it during;
  • Call to action: calls to action are important because they are an invitation to do something, like: comment, follow me, click the link in bio etc;
  • A good camera will increase the quality in the eyes of users, so it will be more pleasant to look at it;
  • Subtitles, to ensure that everything that will be said in the video is clear;
  • If necessary, use trending songs, in this case in the background so as not to cover your voice that will talk about Waveful;
  • A good description will tell users what you're going to do in the video;
  • Speak individually, do not speak to the public;
  • Create original content that is not a copy paste of what you see around;
  • Use the right number of relevant hashtags.


These are the useful tips to ensure that your video achieves the results you are hoping for.

For more information you can find the dedicated section in the app at this link.

As always, we invite you to let us know what you think and for any questions or doubts do not hesitate to write to us directly to our support channels.




Ciao, mi chiamo Gianluca e ti do il benvenuto sul Blog di Waveful!